ScienceKAnimal Habitats

Animal Habitats for K (Science)

  • Introduce the topic of Animal Habitats (2 minutes)
  • Introduce students to the lesson objectives and expectations (2 minutes)
  • Pass out materials needed for the lesson (1 minute)
  • Explain what an animal habitat is and how it provides shelter, food, water, and protection from predators (5 minutes).
  • Show pictures of different animal habitats and discuss why each one is adapted to its environment. Examples include: desert, rainforest, tundra, coral reef, savanna, etc. (5 minutes).
  • Discuss how animals adapt to their habitats in order to survive. Examples include: camouflage coloring for hiding from predators; thick fur or feathers for insulation; long claws or beaks for catching prey; webbed feet for swimming faster; etc. (10 minutes).
  • Divide students into pairs and give each pair a set of cards with pictures of animals on one side and their corresponding habitats on the other side. (2 minutes)
  • Students will take turns flipping over two cards at a time to find matches between animals and their habitats. If they find a match they keep the cards; if not they flip them back over and it's the next student's turn. The student with the most matches at the end wins! (13 minutes)
  • Give each student a sheet of paper divided into four sections representing four different habitats: desert, rainforest, tundra, coral reef. Ask students to draw an animal that would live in each habitat and explain why it is adapted to that particular environment. For example: a polar bear in the tundra because it has thick fur for insulation against cold temperatures; a chameleon in the rainforest because it has camouflage coloring to blend in with its surroundings; etc. (15 minutes).
  • After they have finished drawing their animals have them share their creations with the class by explaining why their animal is adapted to its habitat. Encourage questions from other students about any of their drawings or explanations. (5 minutes).
  • Review main concepts learned during this lesson such as what an animal habitat is and how animals adapt to their environments in order to survive.(3 Minutes)
  • Have students answer review questions orally or written assessment depending on age level.(7 Minutes)

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